You searched for: "Optics"
Number | Title | Original Assignee |
8680572 | Microdisplay Packaging System | Intel Corporation |
8044431 | Microdisplay Packaging System | Intel Corporation |
7808579 | Display Using Light Guide and Refractive Index Control | Intel Corporation |
7795035 | Determination of Carbon Nanotube Concentration in a Solution By Fluorescence Measurement | Intel Corporation |
7586560 | Display Using Light Guide and Refractive Index Control | Intel Corporation |
7397067 | Microdisplay Packaging System | Intel Corporation |
7255492 | Electro-Optic Surface Mount Light Pipe and Connector | Intel Corporation |
7221814 | Optical Waveguide Based Surface Profiling Apparatus | Aston University |
7154157 | Stacked Semiconductor Radiation Sensors Having Color Component and Infrared Sensing Capability | Intel Corporation |
7151521 | Methods and Apparatus for Driving Pixels in a Microdisplay | Intel Corporation |
6995756 | Methods and Apparatus for Driving Pixels in a Microdisplay | Intel Corporation |
6879740 | Optical Space Switch | Denselight Semiconductor Pte Ltd |
6833606 | Fabrication of a Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor With Integrated Mim Capacitor | Denselight Semiconductor Pte Ltd |
6822217 | Optical Spectrum Analyzer | Aston University |
6819853 | Fabrication of Stacked Photonic Lightwave Circuits | Denselight Semiconductor Pte Ltd |
6814500 | Optical Interface Utilising Polymer Assisted Strain Relief | Denselight Semiconductor Pte Ltd |
6813298 | A Current Blocking Structure to Improve Semiconductor Laser Performance | Denselight Semiconductor Pte Ltd |
6807215 | Two-Section Distributed Bragg Reflector Laser | Denselight Semiconductor Pte Ltd |
6798796 | Active Wavelength Locking | Denselight Semiconductor Pte Ltd |
6768098 | Fibre Optic Grating Sensor | Aston University |
6519316 | Integrated Control of Portal Imaging Device | Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. |